Friday, May 29, 2015

The Fear of Getting Measured.

I have just come under the table. I had dried all my ribs completely.

I was being boughted lunch by Theuri when I telled him how a certain nurse has made my head go round round, I cant think of any other persons except her.  she has made me mad. all I am thinking is her.

He stopped picking meat of burnt and telled me.

Niurite? (Have you eaten)?

I saided not yet.

He saided

"Tu nurse ni utui we? (Do you know nurses you)

I saided no.

Tuu ni moto ya kuotea bari.  tukaga na latiri. Kau gagakwira kambe gaguthime. Hena kangi ndari nako mabatha i. we! icio ngariria ukuruine (Those are fire to bask from far. They come with measuring kit and insist to measure you. There is another one I had in Mombasa, we! I will talk when  I am old)

I stopped munching to listen well.

Kanjitire gwako mabatha ngithie nguite makobosto na mizinga iri ya Johny Walker, na nyama kiro imwe, na yaguithitio ni kani. (She called me to her house in Mombasa, I carried makobosto, one Johny walker and a Kg of meat that had been falled by a liver)

Twarikia kuria na tuanyua nyua, ngiambia gukanyita nyita. Gatiarehire mbara. No riria gokirie hanini, Ndonire gokira gagiuka na latiri. Ati tuithime. ndainainire nyee muti ukiigana wa kaaana. (When we finsihed eating, and drinked small, I started catching catching her small small. She didnt bring war, but when she ukiad , I saw her go get measuring kit. She telled me we get measured. I shook all bells until tree returned like of a baby. )

I asked him if he agreed to be measured.

In a loud voice until everyone who was 100 meters away could hear, he saided
"We nowitikire? ka ndina ngomaaa (Can you agree? kwani I have satan?)
I saided why not, only problem is you are being measured by your jangiri.

He continued

I niui ndamithaithire tuhaicane na condom ikiuga ona tutikuhaicanaga tutari, no no nginya ithime" (Do you know I begged her we climbana with makobosto. She telled me we were not even meant to climbana without. but we must get measured)
ndaraire nja ta rori. Yaumire bafu na gatauro ndokia ikorota ka latiri. Tuanyuire mzinga wa keri kinya igaturama to yari ona gatauro gakuhi na nyondo ciari nja, mabatha nirui maikara nui. Ngokia, ngonio ratiri. (I slept out like a lorry. She removed bathroom with only towel. When tree stretched, she would point the measuring kit.

Do you know we drinked even the second mzinga, she would stay bad, as she was only in a towel and all brookiers were out. When I'd see tiita, she saw I had ukiad, she would point at the kit again)

I was crying in laughter imagining the precarious situation then dried ribs piu piu he saided

"Nie njugaga, reke ngeriruo ndi wodi no ndingithimithia nie. Maraya iria ndite ni nyingi muno cia gutake chance" (Me, let them tell me when I will be in wald, cant take myself to be measured. The trappers that I have climbed are way too many to take chances)

I am

Dagitari Onjohi
Snr Gyno. 

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