Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Looks That Lie

I climbed a matatu No. 11 from Parkland and I satted next to a persons that looked like sun. Infact sun is an understatement.. she looked like a Half Mhindi and half coast. Like the way Pasaris used to look when he was young,  not momo and not malnourished,  a figure you and me can die for.

IN head, I was telling myself.. that, si now, there is  a dudes that ramnyas this thing and maybe he does not even say thank you? He removes like a bicycle. Maybe a dude somewhere can refuse to pick her call because he has other mpangos? And what mpango would one have better than this one.  I was telling myself that if it was me, I would not even allow her to climb mats, its better trouble remains.

In head, I telled myself that if only I knew English of niggas well well, I would have talked to her like satan.

Small, I telled myself to strengthen like a boy of child and talk to her, she might enter box and agree to accompany me where Martin Maura is drinking so that I go lie I have brought him persons and after buuuying expensive dogogio, we lost?

In head, I started to rehearse good English lines, and possible answers she would give, and my replies to her replies in order for me to win her there and then.

Head telled me to say "Hey baby, yo so, sexxy" and head telled me she would reply "theeenx" and I would reply 'seen me before?" She would say "Nooo" and I would reply " Even on facebook?" And she would reply "aii.. noo" and I would reply "Thats where I work." And she would say "you are funny" and I would say""theenk you baby. And yo look like Liyana, nawamsain " and she would say "waoo, really? and I would reply "but you are a little bit sexier, you know." And she would reply "You can say thal again" and would say "do u mind dlinking dogogio of nairobi of up? like at Tribeka? then she would say "What is dogogio? I would reply.. Lets go there u will see what dogogio is" and she would say "I dont do Tribeka, I do, Westi" and I wold say "wherever you want we will go, but lets try Tribeka and if you dont like the place, I will double your money" and she would say "In that case, I have putted my thuruari on my bag! Lets go!"

Before finishing to think the possibles, we reached Roast house area and her phone ringed. She picked and in loud voice, she saided:

"harooo ooi poree sana, sikua na clendit. washa nieke clendit nikupigie nikichuka kwa gali"

Oi!!!, I refused to know how such a sun like persons can shrub like that, badder than me even.

I jumped from the matatu because I did not want to hear another word from her.

As I was walking away, I remembered another persons Theuri used to have.  She was sun like, dark and small lips, meaning even tiita was small. She also had a job, so, she used to throw rounds too.  But the moment she opened her mouth to talk, everyone would refuse to know. Out of topic and shrubing like satan. Theuri used to avoid her unless they were two. If he felt he wanted to pour, he would either go to her house or call her where only them two were.

I remain,

Dagitari Wanjohi.
Snr Gyno.

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